Wednesday, March 02, 2011

For those interested in more, a complete discourse on Case 20 of the Mumonkan, A Person of Great Strength, was given by Sensei Konrad Ryushin Marchaj in 2009 and is available on line here.

In his talk, given after the Monastery’s “Buddha’s Enlightenment Vigil,” Ryushin Sensei teaches that our zazen is enlightenment, and that waking up means stepping out of the way. Completely.

Ryushin Sensei received dharma transmission from the late John Daido Loori in 2009 and is now the abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery. He began studying with Daido Roshi in 1987 and entered residency in 1992. Before becoming a resident, he worked as a pediatrician and a psychiatrist.

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