Sunday, October 10, 2004

Who Needs Football?

I guess I'm just a non-conformist. Sunday, when it seems that all of America tunes in to watch their favorite NFL team, I left the television off all day. Not only that, but the Braves played a must-win Game 4 of their best-of-five series, which I understand they won, although I didn't watch any of that either.

No, I got up this morning and resumed my slothful ways from yesterday, but sans sports. I brewed up a big pot of coffee, read a few back issues of The New Yorker, and generally stuck around the house. Eventually, I did get in the jeep and headed to Bloomingdales and bought myself four new shirts for the office next week (ka-ching!). Flush with the enthusiasm of consumerism, I then headed back to Bed, Bath & Beyond to use the second 20%-off coupon I got in the mail on a set of kitchen knives (you know, one of those wood-block deals), as well as a terry-cloth bathrobe and a replacement bath mat for the one I tossed away after it turned out that it was the source of the stench (ka-ching!).

But even materialism can get old. I stopped at Barnes & Noble next, but despite a lot of browsing, I just couldn't find anything that I could convince myself that I wanted (except for a vanilla latte at the Starbucks counter). So I headed back home.

Probably the most productive thing I did all weekend was finally straighten out the closet. When I moved in here two months or so ago, I just randomly threw everything I had into the two closets off the master bedroom, and instead of re-organizing my clothes, I had just sort of gotten used to the random order: "Let's see, where are the grey dress pants? Oh yeah, between the University of Pittsburgh sweatshirt and the green button-down shirt I never wear." But I guess inspired by the combination of new Bloomie shirts and the wooden hangers from last week's BB&B shopping, I finally arranged all my clothes in some semblance of order (at least to me): pants on the lower rack and dress shirts on the upper in one closet, and casual shirts, sweats and tee's in the other closet. However, there's still enough randomness that you don't have to classify me as totally OCD.

So I guess I've pretty much made it through an unexpectedly unstructured weekend. It never did rain here, but it was overcast enough to let me believe that it was storming down in Panama City. I'm not sure when Mike and all are planning to re-schedule the trip, but in the meantime, I've got to start planning my leisure time better. At least I have my list of things to do still pretty much left to accomplish.

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