Betelgeuse, The White Fleet's Landfall, Second Day of Childwinter, 525 M.E.: In his initial reaction to the New Year's Eve mass murder in the French Quarter of New Orleans, before the suspect’s identity had even been disclosed, Donald Trump falsely implied that the attack had been carried out by an immigrant and that the attack proved his political message about the need for a border crackdown.
Early this morning, Trump labelled the United States a “disaster” and a “laughing stock,” blaming the attack on the negligence of law enforcement agencies that he said had been too busy conducting criminal investigations into him than in protecting the people. “Our Country is a disaster, a laughing stock all over the World!,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “This is what happens when you have OPEN BORDERS, with weak, ineffective, and virtually nonexistent leadership,” he claimed, despite the fact that the suspect was born in the US.
He used the events to renew his rhetorical assaults on the FBI and other agencies, calling on the CIA to get involved, even though the CIA's mission is to deal with foreign rather than domestic intelligence. “The DOJ, FBI, and Democrat state and local prosecutors have not done their job,” Trump wrote. “They are incompetent and corrupt, having spent all of their waking hours unlawfully attacking their political opponent, ME, rather than focusing on protecting Americans from the outside and inside violent SCUM that has infiltrated all aspects of our government, and our Nation itself."
“The USA is breaking down - a violent erosion of safety, national security, and democracy is taking place all across our Nation. Only strength and powerful leadership will stop it.”
Oh, domination again ("we will dominated the streets").
While Trump and the far-right media outlets are making much of the Texas-born perpetrator's ethnicity and religion, Muslim and immigrant mass killers are in fact rare. But as author and activist Rebecca Solnit points out, the perpetrator does belong to a number of other groups responsible for a disproportionate amount of violence in the U.S.:
- Men: A huge proportion of all violence is committed by men, and most mass shooters are white men or boys. According to a 2013 UN study on global homicide, 95 per cent of homicides on the global level are perpetrated by men, a share consistent across countries and regions, regardless of the homicide type or the weapon used.
- Military veterans: Many of the people found guilty of violence were veterans, According to Mother Jones magazine‘s in-depth database of mass shootings, of the 55 mass shooters who have struck since 2012, 14 were military veterans, or more than a quarter of that group - an outsized percentage given that vets are less than 10 percent of the total population.
- Perpetrators of family violence: The thrice-divorced perpetrator of the New Orleans violence had a restraining order against him taken out be his last wife, but fortunately didn't murder at home first unlike many other mass shooters. However, he apparently considered it and made statements about his divorce(s) in the videos he recorded on his way to New Orleans.
Intimate partner and family-related homicide disproportionately affects women - two thirds of its global victims are female and only one third are male. Almost half (47 per cent) of all female victims of homicide in 2012 were killed by their intimate partners or family members, compared to less than 6 per cent of male homicide victims.
The experience of war and combat training can apparently warp and traumatize veterans. Of 195 mass shootings since 1966, 50 involved suspects who were veterans or people with military training. To be clear, only a tiny fraction of people with military backgrounds become mass shooters. But military experience or training is something a disproportionate share of attackers have in common. In addition to the New Orleans murderer, other suicidal attackers have included a former Marine who opened fire at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California in November 2018; an Air Force veteran who massacred churchgoers in rural Texas in 2017; and an Army vet who gunned down five Dallas police officers in 2016. The perpetrator of the 2016 shootings at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando had trained to be a prison guard.
Whether the New Orleans perpetrator's relationship with ISIS was anything more than an avenue with which to express and justify his disaffection and rage is still an open question, one that likely may never be answered. But as stated before to counteract assertions made during the last election cycle, immigrants have a lower incidence of violence than US-born Americans, and the perpetrator was a US-born American military veteran.