Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Into the Whirring Yards, Helios, 73rd Day of Hagwinter, 524 M.E.


And this is it, the last day of 2024 (or 524 of the Common Era as I call it), the last day of Hagwinter. Tomorrow begins a new year and a new season, Childwinter. A fresh season for a fresh year. And with the new season, a new avatar, although I'll be using the Winter Child somewhat less often than I used the Winter Hag, that is to say, not every single day. 

Childwinter contains 73 days, although since next year's not a leap year, we will not recognize the 60th day, Fifth Twelve (February 29) and instead skip directly from the 59th day, Electra, The Unspoken Vows, to the 61st day, Alpha, Day of the Once Without. As a result, next year Childwinter will contain only 72 days.

Days of the six-day week in the New Revised Universal Calendar are named for stars in alphabetical order - Atlas, Betelgeuse, Castor, Deneb, Electra, and Helios. The 60th day of Childwinter falls on Helios, so it will be a week without a Helios, sort of like skipping Saturday and going from Friday directly to Sunday once a year. You'll get used to it.

The advantage of this system is that every year begins on the same day of the week, Alpha, and always ends on a Helios. This works whether it's a leap year or not.        

Within a few days, I'll be done with the college football live blogging and back to my regular (such as it is) schedule, including walking, sitting, posting, and measurements. Thank you for sticking with me, and happy New Year, my friends.

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