Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Tempest Birth, Betelgeuse, 39th Day of Hagwinter, 524 M.E.


Tomorrow's Thanksgiving. Not a big deal for me, but I know that many of you are traveling, seeing family, preparing for a big meal. I understand that some might be concerned about family relations during the inevitable political discussions or when the conversation turns to other sensitive topics (marriage, children, career, etc.).

We here at WDW are here to help. If you're called upon to say the traditional prayer before the meal, might I offer a Buddhist meal verse? You could say something along the lines of:

Innumerable efforts have brought us this food,
We should consider how it comes to us.
We should reflect on our virtue and practice,
And whether we are worthy of this offering.

We regard greed as the obstacle to freedom of mind.
We regard this meal as medicine to sustain our life.
For the sake of enlightenment we now receive this food.

The first portion is to end all evil.
The second is to cultivate every good.
The third is to free all beings.
May all beings be equally nourished. 






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