Sunday, July 14, 2024

If Why Then Vanish


And just like that, the press stopped talking about Biden's age for, like, 12 hours.

Look, I wish I didn't have to say it, but of course I deplore violence of all sorts, including political violence. Episodes like last night's are a part of the reason I'm so anti-gun. 

But a quick reminder that after someone broke into Nancy Pelosi's home and attacked her husband with a hammer (the attacker told the police he was looking for Nancy), Republicans made jokes about it and Trump helped spread a conspiracy theory about the incident.

Quick reminder that after that his Mom dropped that kid off in Wisconsin to shoot and kill Black Lives Matter protesters, the right tried to make him into some sort of national hero.

Quick reminder that Republicans were silent about the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Witmer. 

But, yeah, I'm glad that the assassination attempt against Trump wasn't successful, that but a turn of his head or the slightest of breezes avoided the bullet landing in his brain by millimeters, but I can't help but believe this is the karma for violent rhetoric and embrace of fascistic brute force the Republicans have embraced. This is what happens when you flood the streets with all matters of guns and weaponry, and refuse to enact any meaningful gun-control legislation.      

Trump was surrounded by heavily armed Secret Service guards. There were armed snipers on surrounding rooftops. Magnetometers were used to screen the crowd. Trump was arguably one of the most protected humans on Earth, and still it's only by sheer luck he's still alive. Guns couldn't protect him and they won't make you any safer. They just make the world a more dangerous place.  

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