Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Back of the Driver's Neck

We don't have an Election Day coming up on November 5 - we have a National IQ Test.

On this, I think both sides of the political divide agree, although it's probably up for debate what constitutes "smart" and "stupid." 

We'll have a National IQ Test and then a Trial by Fire - a wintry equivalent of the Long Hot Summers of the 1960s, full of burning cities, riots, gunfire, and random assassinations. But carried out over a snowy backdrop of slush and ash-can fires and to the tune of Winter Wonderland.

When the ashes finally cool, whichever side considers itself the victor (it doesn't matter), we'll have a meaner, crueler, more authoritarian world.  

I hope that I'm wrong, but the ROM takes comfort in that he won't live that long to suffer through much of what follows.

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