Friday, February 23, 2024

The White Spheres

You'd be excused for still thinking it was still The Supernatural Bride today based on the picture, but the 54th day of Childwinter is actually The White Spheres.  You probably know it as February 23rd.

So, I'm sure you're probably  wondering how I'm coming along on my newly downloaded virtual modular synthesizer. Short answer - horribly, or at least horribly slowly.  I'm slightly past the "bloop-bleep" phase and am now in the "strange outer-space noises" phase. At my best, I can kid myself that I sound like Sun Ra during his most self-indulgent solos. It's amazing what playing with the frequency of an oscillator or two can do.

The best part of living alone is no one has to endure hearing me experiment.

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