Friday, July 28, 2023

Thank God It's Friday!

"TGIF," said the man who hasn't worked in over four years now.  For me, life has been one big long weekend that's lasted for over 1,500 days now.  

I've been living the dream for so long now I'm not even worried about that tropical depression on the coast of Georgia right now.

I'm not worried about the scorching heat broiling the planet and setting records for like the 10th straight year now and what all that bodes for the climate future.

I'm not worried about my recent illness (still recovering) and what that means about my personal long-term health and senility.

I'm not worried about my country's, if not the world's, increasing acceptance of authoritarianism and fascism.

Nope. None of that matters.  I'm not worried.  It's the weekend and time to par-tee! 

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