Sunday, August 16, 2020

White Supremacist With Small Dick Compensates With Assault Rifle (Day 79)

I mean, just look at where he’s touching himself with the gun’s magazine.  In any event, the BLM protesters weren’t intimidated.  This was yesterday in downtown Stone Mountain, Georgia.  I wasn't there and these aren't my pictures, but I watched a lot of it in real time on a local news channel's live stream.

You could tell the good guys (BLM, antifa, democratic socialists) from the  bad guys (white supremacists, III Percenters, and the KKK) by what they were wearing.  Generally speaking but not always, the good guys were the ones wearing face masks, and the bad guy were generally, but not always, wearing camouflage. I don't know, maybe they figured that if the virus couldn't easily spot them, they wouldn't get infected.

Here are the good-guy counter-protesters.  They significantly outnumbered the other guys:

These were the other guys.  It seems more than surreal to me that some 150 years after the Civil War and 65 years after WWII, we're still seeing armed confederates and Nazis, and marching side-by-side at that.

There were a lot of up-close, face-to-face confrontations, which was a little unnerving given the number of guns being openly carried. But other than a little pushing and shoving, and one supremacist spraying people in the face with Hot Shot wasp-repellent pesticide, things never escalated to the crisis level and the police remained vigilant but cool.  Some of the good guys did manage to capture and burn a confederate flag.

I'm not sure what the lesson to be learned here is, other than extremism exists and this is what it looks like.  I am sad, though, that some people are still so lost and deluded by their fear of others that it leads to confrontations like this, although I'm thankful that it didn't result in violence (at least not that day). 

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