Thursday, February 06, 2020


Getting a good night's sleep has long been a problem of mine, but then last night thunderstorms came rattling through, waking me up and then keeping me worried about falling trees, power loss, a leaking roof, etc.  That's when my phone started to go off with flash-flood warnings.

It rained all night, occasionally hard, occasionally with thunder, and it's still raining all day today. They're forecasting 3 to 4 inches of rain and the flash flood warnings are still in effect. 100% chance of rain all afternoon until at least 5:00 pm, and then 25-50% chance overnight though to tomorrow afternoon.  

After four or five hours of sleepless night, the alarm clock finally kicked on with NPR news talking about tornado warnings and tornado watches all across Georgia, including Atlanta.  I got up and turned on the Weather Channel, and naturally they were saying the same.  The cats are huddled in the main bathroom, the "safe spot" in my house with no exterior walls.  If a tornado were to strike here, I would curl up in the fetal position in the bathtub.

The good news is that by now, the worst of the storm has passed.  The winds have died down considerably, and the intense rains are more sporadic than earlier.  I didn't lose power or the internet (yet, knock on wood).   The only real damage so far is that I'm running on about two hours sleep, and I'm still too nervous about the storm to get in a decent nap today.

It's supposed to clear up this weekend, but after Sunday, they're predicting more thunderstorms for 9 of the next 10 days, so there's that to look forward to.

Update:  Still no trees falling on my house or my power lines, but look what happened this morning on the Perimeter (I-285).  Watch the right side of the screen during the first couple of seconds:

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