Saturday, December 15, 2018

Seven Best Songs of 2018 - No. 6

Father John Misty (Josh Tillman) deserves some sort of award - possibly the Nobel Prize for Literature that Bob Dylan was so reluctant to accept, or maybe a MacArthur genius grant - for his string of LPs from Fear Fun in 2012  up to this year's God's Favorite Customer.  He has carved out a unique space in pop culture for himself and his music - simultaneously an indie-rock crooner, a sardonic pop star, and a manic-depressive sex symbol. The albums have been consistently inconsistent - some great songs on every one as well as some okay-that's-not-quite-filler-but-c'mon on each.  But you can always count on something thoughtful, something profound, and something self-effacing and sarcastic.  Hangout At the Gallows isn't Father John's best song, or even necessarily the best on God's Favorite Customer, but it's the perfect opening cut for a Misty LP, featuring a great hook that pulls you in and virtually compels you to listen to the whole rest of the album.

Anyway, whatever, it's Number 6 on our Seven Best list for 2018, and if you're still not convinced about FJM, check this out from last year:

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