Wednesday, March 07, 2018

You've Already Heard These

In ancient times, an old woman once supported a monk, allowing him to practice his meditation in her hut by a lake.  For twenty years she always had a girl, sixteen or seventeen years of age, take the monk his food and wait on him.

One day she told the girl to give the monk a close hug and ask, “What do you feel just now?”

The girl did as requested, and the monk, with unnecessarily poetic language, replied:
"An old tree on a cold cliff;
Midwinter – no warmth."
The girl went back and told this to the old woman. The woman said, “And to think, for twenty years I’ve supported this good-for-nothing fool!” 

So saying, she threw the monk out and burned down the hut.

Here's another one:  Two travelling monks come to a river with a strong current. As the monks are preparing to cross, they see a beautiful young woman who asks if they could help her cross to the other side.

Without a word, the older monk picks up the woman, carries her across the river, and places her down on the other side before continuing on with his journey.

The younger monk couldn’t believe what had just happened. After rejoining his companion, he's  speechless and hours pass without a word between them.  Finally the younger monk asks, “As monks, we are not permitted to so much as touch a woman. How then could you carry that woman in your arms?”

The older monk looks at him and replies, “I set her down on the other side of the river.  Why are you still carrying her?”

Two stories - six characters.  What did sex mean to each of them? 

If you think you understand, I ask you this question: Was the swift creek of the second story flowing toward or away from the lake of the first?

1 comment:

sipOJ said...

Didn't mean it like that <3 Just been really into old japanese noise rock lately. Les Rallizes Denudes (, Up-Tight, Fushitsusha ( Some other ones recommended to me that I haven't gotten around to listening to yet are Shizuka, High Rise, Mainliner, Suishou No Fune. The live albums of these bands are especially good. My heads pretty clean these days though. Hope you're doing well