Thursday, February 01, 2018

Fun Week

What a fun week!

I understand that many people look suspiciously at adults who play video games.  I don't care.  But sure, what with all of the real-world, grown-up crises and responsibilities we all have to face, isn't it just a little, to say the very least, trivial?, to play video games?  There's mortgage payments, health insurance, civic responsibilities, and other matters to attend to.  What's wrong with you sitting at your computer all night shooting imaginary enemies with imaginary weapons in an imaginary world?

Sure, I get it, but as I said, I don't care and I'm having fun, and besides, all those so-called "grown-ups" find time to play golf, watch sports, binge-watch Netflix, and have sex (sometimes all at the same time), so it's really just a matter or which diversions we choose, isn't it, and not so much whether or not we're attending to the "important" matters in life.

So with that off my chest, I wrapped up playing Fallout: New Vegas last Sunday and on Monday evening, after work, started replaying Fallout 4 for the third time through.  To my surprise, the game felt quite fresh and new again, after having been away some six months or so.  It was a lot of fun to play again, and I ran through the initial, early quests that night (from escaping the vault to killing the deathclaw in Concord).  

It's also finally the start of music season again, and Tuesday night I went to my first show of the year - Jens Lekman at The Earl.  As I reported yesterday, it was an uplifting, happy show, enough that I didn't miss playing more Fallout that night.

I got to make up for my missing Fallout playtime Wednesday night and Thursday (tonight), and tomorrow, I have another show - the orchestral Portland folk rock collective Typhoon performing at Terminal West (just down the road from me!).  And then the weekend, and with a forecast for rain on Sunday, I can anticipate another hygge weekend of  domesticity and game playing.

And then the Super Bowl on Sunday!  The New England Patriots (Yay!) versus the Philadelphia Eagles (Boo!).  This week just keeps getting better!  

Fun week!     

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