Sunday, February 25, 2018

Facebook Is A Social Disease

The promise that social media once held, including Facebook, Instagram, and yes, Blogger, has given way to a confused and confusing stew of propaganda, useless trivia, and conspicuous consumption.  The potential for a Fifth Estate has succumbed to a relentless attack of weaponized misinformation and toxic conspiracy rumors.

The more you tweet, the more posts of dubious origin you repost, the worse it gets.  It's been documented that too much time on social media can lead to depression, anxiety, and alienation.  What once promised to bring us all closer together has turned into something more likely to drive a wedge between us.

I'm not abandoning WDW, at least not yet, but for a couple months now, I've cut way back on other social media.  I'm not telling you what to do, but I do suggest examining asking yourself to determine what actually compels you to post.  

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