Sunday, October 20, 2013

L5P Halloween Parade

Stencil on side of food truck, L5P Halloween Parade, 2013
The annual Little Five Points (L5P) Halloween Parade was held yesterday in Atlanta.  I didn't go last year as we were holding a sesshin (intensive meditation retreat) in Chattanooga that weekend, and this year I didn't go to the somewhat similar East Atlanta Strut due to rain.  There was a little rain earlier in the day, but by parade time, it had all blown over. 

These are my pics.

After the parade, Euclid Avenue remained closed to traffic, allowing a street fair/block party atmosphere, complete with food and beer vendors, bands, and lots or people-watching opportunities.  One of the fun aspects of the festivities is that since so many people were in costume and were there to be seen, the usual rules of etiquette broke down, and it was not only acceptable to approach complete strangers and ask to take their pictures, it was usually appreciated by them.  I had the chance to talk with several of the people shown below, and despite their scary appearance, most of them turned out to be some of the nicest folks you could ever hope to meet.

Actually, this is just a small sampling of the many pictures I took.  The complete set, if you're interested, is over on my Flickr page.

Happy Halloween, y'all!

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