Sunday, June 20, 2010

Not Dead Yet

I seem to have encountered a writer's block here. The banal day-to-day experiences of my life don't seem worth the time it takes out of that day-to-day existence to write about here. As for commentary and insights into news and current events, it's all covered elsewhere better than I can do. And finally, it's pointless to try to express the Buddha-dharma, the inexpressible, in words, and I often feel like I'm being inappropriate when I post my commentaries on the teachings.

So that leaves me with reviewing concerts and talking about my cats. However, I haven't seen any shows since the Broken Bells/Morning Benders concert, and I'm not going to maintain a blog about cats.

In the past, I rode out writer's block by just posting pictures or cutting and pasting non sequitur blurbs from elsewhere on the interwebs. Unfortunately, those posts were often misunderstood by people trying to read symbolism into my choice of pictures or words, and has just created more confusion and trouble. So no point in that.

I'm not giving up on Water Dissolves Water just yet, though. There have been times in the past when it seemed like there was a lot that I needed to say here, and an understanding of impermanence leads to the knowledge that that this silence won't last forever and that voice might one day return. So I request that the patient reader continue to be patient and ride out this block with me and not read too much between the (lack of) lines.

Meanwhile, be confident that if something so dramatic as my death were to come along, I'll be sure to write about the afterlife here.


renbyo said...

Hey Brother,
I have realy appreciated your blog over these years. It has been a bright point in this drab journey on the internet. I enjoy your observations on life and the dharma (and I'm not even a "cat person"). Know that you are kept in kind regards here in Cali. Be well and sit strongly,

Shokai said...

Thank you, renbyo, I think I needed that. . .