Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chattanooga Zazen

This morning, I got to go up to Chattanooga and participate in their Sunday service and, as an added bonus, Sensei rode up with me!

Longtime readers of WDW know that I go to Chattanooga more or less monthly and that I enjoy those visits. Today, we did two hours of zazen (with five minutes of kinhin - walking meditation - every 25 minutes) while Sensei did dokusan (private conversations). Then we had an almost two-hour dharma talk and question-and-answer period before driving home to Atlanta. It's always nice to have someone to ride with on those trips up to Chattanooga and back, and it's doubly nice when that person is your Zen teacher.

This whole month of June has been brutally hot and humid, feeling more like the dog days of August than June, and today was no exception. I broke into a sweat just taking the trash out at 7 pm. But did you know that it's flooding in Belarus? (Local news doesn't carry that story here.)

1 comment:

Uku said...


It's warm in here too. Summer!

All the best!