Friday, February 29, 2008

Auspicious Day

Today is leap year day, the 29th of February, a day that only comes once every four years. It is a special day - appreciate it.

This is also my birth year - the one year of my life that my age and the date of my birth are one and the same. In other words, since I was born in 1954, this year I will be 54, so my age will match the last two digits of my birth year, a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. Of course, I won't actually turn 54 until July, so maybe it's not quite my birth year yet, but this (2008) is the year in which my birth year will begin.
Everybody has a birth year, and those of you born toward the end of the last century better take good care of yourselves if you want to experience your year. Also, birth years can only happen in even-numbered years, since they're always the double of your birth year, e.g. '54 + 54. So no one's birth year will occur in 2009. Therefore it seems right to celebrate my birth year in calendar year 2008, rather than from July 2008 through June 2009.
Finally, Water Dissolves Water had it's 100,000th visitor - a momentous milestone (for this little not-quite-four-year-old blog - some blogs get 100,000 visitors a day). The truly auspicious thing is, that 100,000 visitor was . . . me.
In my birth year. On leap year day.
Reason to celebrate.

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