Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Couldn't even find the time to post an entry Sunday or Monday.

Sunday, I led the morning service at the Zen Center, and in the afternoon shopped for a new beard trimmer (my old one, purchased circa 1998, died last week), and used the leaf blower to clear my patio and driveway of catkins, flower petals and other springtime detritus. "Roadkill has its seasons, just like anything," Tom Waits once sang, "It's possums in the autumn and farm cats in the spring." It's the same for tree debris - its leaves in the autumn, twigs and stems in the winter, the aforementioned catkins, etc. in the spring, and whatever the thunderstorms can knock down in the summer. Not to mention the magnolias' surprise gifts in May and June.

Monday, it was work and the usual Monday-night service at the Center, followed by the usual discussion group, followed by more talk with those who wanted to hang around and still chat some more after the discussion was officially "over."

And tonight, I have every excuse in the world: work, followed by the inevitable Beltline meeting (this time the monthly Advisory Board get-together). After the Board meeting, I decided to stop in at the Zen Center tonight just to sit rather than than lead the service (leave the driving to someone else), but somehow still found the effort to post something, anything, rather than let the blog lie idle.

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