Saturday, January 20, 2007


A little New Year's house-keeping.

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I finally got to cleaning up some things over there in the sidebar. I got rid of the old "Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry" button, not because I now feel differently but because the joke is now, well, old. Also, my profile information disappeared for some reason when Google switched to the "new" Blogger (whatever), so I put my old by-line back up and posted a picture of Planet Earth instead of my old mug shot.

I also updated and organized the links to other blogs (although I couldn't prevent the list from indenting over toward the right). Some of the featured links were dead or else led to inactive blogs, others no longer seemed relevant to me. Long-time friends like Greensmile and Mumon are now listed under "Vital Links," while some personal friends like Nick (who needs to update his blog soon to stay listed) and Gareth are listed, appropriately enough, under "Friends." "Blogs I Like" is exactly what the name implies, and I encourage my readers to check them out daily (I do) - they're far different than this journal, but each are endearing and enlightening in their own different way. Finally, I listed a few Buddhist blogs worth noting. If anyone wants to be included in any of these categories, then link to me and let me know.

I left the "I'm gonna die at 79" button on just as a reminder to me of my own mortality.

Otherwise, I'm pretty contented with the look of WDW - the background color, banner, fonts and all, or at least not dissatisfied enough to do all the work to change them. If anyone wants to create a new template for me and send it over, then great, but otherwise I'll consider the lack of submissions approval of the design.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm endearing. Yea!

Nice to meet you :)