Sunday, April 02, 2006

I was all set to blog about spring-forward day, the first real day of spring in my humble opinion, and the riot of azaleas finally blooming in my backyard - all pink, purple and white, framed by the green of mountain laurels (I even took some pictures). I was going to blog about the miracle of the change of seasons, the joy despite the pollen in the air (my new black car is coated with green dust). I was going to blog about all of this. . . but then my cable modem went out.

Undaunted, I went to the den to watch The Sopranos on t.v., but not only was the internet out, but so was cable t.v.

Cable service was restored around 10:30 and I caught the second half of Big Love, HBO's new soap opera, and then sat down to compose today's blog, but the spirit was gone.

There are bigger tragedies than losing cable for 90 minutes, I know, but it changed my mood. Correction: I used it to change my mood. We all are in control of how we react to things, whether we realize it or not. We are all slaves of our own action. Why be angry with anyone else?

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