Saturday, April 15, 2006

As Canon Sees It . . .

The renter is in the condo, the checks are in my bank account, God is in his heaven and all is right with the world.

I'm off for the weekend up to Jeff's lodge in North Carolina. Jeff and his new bride, Karina (note to self: don't call her "Katrina") are already up there and I was supposed to leave a half hour ago. I haven't met Karina yet, even though they got married over six months ago (I'm a bad friend) and I haven't been to the lodge in well over a year, so I'm packing my Canon EOS 630 and my Olympus C-5050, my zafu and some back issues of The New Yorker for a nice quiet weekend of socializing, photography, meditation and reading.

Gotta get going. Please enjoy the brevity of today's blog.

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