Friday, December 02, 2005

Tomorrow when you're old and your mouth is paved with gold,
You'll begin to feel the cold inside.

- Viv Stanshall

Today was the first day of the Ruhatsu sesshin. I drove to the zendo directly from work, and was still late because of the notorious Atlanta traffic. I sat in the meditation room for an hour, alone while others ate, in order to unwind.

The service began at half past seven; I was asked to lead the chanting and time the periods for the evening. We sat for 90 minutes - two 45-minute periods with kinhin (walking meditation) between, and a talk by the abbott during the first sitting period.

The theme, in addition to the Buddha's enlightenment, was the 12th link in the chain of dependent co-origination (old age and death). But this led to talk of future lives, accumulated karma and so on - the whole unquestioned reincarnation ball of wax.

I wonder if I'll be able to keep my mouth shut during the rest of the weekend.

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