Sunday, December 04, 2005

Sesshin wrapped up without any further incident. Sensei conspicuously avoided any further mention of rebirth or reincarnation in his Sunday morning dharma talk, even though the topic was "Old Age and Death." I only got to sit for one 45-minute period, though, because I was tapped to be the dokusan attendant. No other meals were served oryoki (spell-check, Bob) style.

It's raining like mad outside.

I appreciate the very kind comments, as always (always appreciated and always kind), from Greensmile and Kathleen. One of the really great things about Zen is that I can tell the teacher to his face that I think he's full of shit, if that were what I thought, and he would merely smile and ask me what kind - bull or horse? These philosophies (rebirth and karma) and practices (oryoki and liturgy) are not the point, they're just more upaya, fingers pointing at the moon.

A wise teacher will not become upset when the student doesn't like the finger being used to point, but may instead offer another finger if needed.

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