Friday, October 14, 2005

I returned to Atlanta today after watching my opposing expert struggle through his deposition. Once again, it was hard not to feel empathy for him, instead of gloating in his difficulties. Soon, I will be back in the glare of the hot, bright light, answering questions under oath and having a clever attorney try to turn my words around on me.

There is a sort of sport to it, I must admit, sort of like chess - maybe more of a game than a sport. He who can best defend his position wins.

The "truth," whatever that is, will eventually come out. I have examined the evidence and have honestly offered my opinions under oath as to what the evidence indicates. The prosecution and their witnesses have also examined the evidence and have testified under oath as to what in their opinions the evidence indicates. Under intense cross-examination, one set of evidence and opinion will eventually prevail.

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