Sunday, May 01, 2005

Happy May Day, Comrades!

Also, happy Eastern Orthodox Easter and Beltane Day.

I fired up the old leaf blower today for the first time in '05. Now, you may not think that there'd me much left to blow, after the professional landscaping crew came through a couple of Sundays ago and it not being autumn and all, but here in the south, there's actually a season (we call it "yellow season") where the trees are all in blossom and there's yellow pollen all over everything, and the ground is quickly covered in white and yellow and green blossom petals. Plus, every time it rains, there are pine cones and branches, twigs and leaves, and seeds and stems all over the yard. So, out came the leaf blower, the rake and the leaf bags for my little landscaping ritual.

Earlier this morning, though, it was my turn in the rotation to do newcomers instruction at the Zen Center. I always enjoy doing that, and today was no exception - we had a college student along with a mother and son show up for instruction today. The instruction was followed by the usual Sunday morning dharma talk and brunch, and we had a Disciples' Meeting to go over liturgy and protocol (although we didn't really get much done).

Let's see, what else? Friday, I received the following email:

Dear Shokai,

Out of the many blog-sites I have come across, yours is one of the most appealing. Your graphics (look,it's Bill the Cat!) are just great and your entries thought-provoking. Your site is very high quality dharma and very enjoyable!

Have a great day (can't wait to read about it!) and keep up the great work.

in gassho,
steve b.

The kind words were really appreciated. They encourage me to keep posting (even though I know I've been chronically falling behind lately).

Anyway, I'm glad the April is over. T.S. Eliot was right - it is the cruelest month. I was sick for much of the month, flat of my back in San Francisco when I was supposed to be at a mandatory company meeting, and used up the lion's share of my annual sick time at work. I somehow managed to pass the flu on to my mother without even getting the chance to visit with her (I apparently gave it to my nephew, who passed it on to Mom while she was out West visiting). L. walked out again, for what feels like the last and final time, even sending me a "dear john" email (email! not even a telephone call) while I was flat on my back in S.F. as aforementioned. The month, in short, sucked.

But now it's May. Birds are singing, trees are blossoming, the leaf blower started right up after being idle for five months, and I seem to be healthy again.

I am the eternal optimist. Things will get better.

Just you watch.


GreenSmile said...

" was my turn in the rotation to do newcomers instruction at the Zen Center. I always enjoy doing that, and today was no exception ..."

Lucky newcomers.

I am sorry to hear about L. I hope that with the loss comes a measure of freedom.

Awlnawl Says Tim said...

I was expecting to hear a comment about the leaves falling off of the Magnolia Trees at this time of year. I was told they are native to the South. I have one in front of my house here in the Willamette Valley of Oregon and I hate it. Such a dirty tree. The ground is covered with huge thick leaves. Instead of doing spring stuff like new plantings I get to rake or blow leaves. I'll trade it for a Douglass Fir any day.